Thursday, March 13, 2008


Who doesn't like a random 10-in-the-morning-after-you've-just-woken-up-blog?

Yeah, well. I love 'em. I actually just wanted to post a picture of my hair for Jen. Because saddness, even though I love the way the hair dresser does it, I'm never going to be able to get it to look like this ever again and I'm going to have to wash my hair sometime, right? SIGH. So anyway, here it is...

So there she is. I like it. The highlights look super good. I didn't realize how kind of bad mine were getting until I saw it. 

Anyway, now I'm trying to decide what I want to do today. I still sort of have to wake up a bit, so I'm probably going to lay around for a bit. Have some brunch in an hour or two. Read perhaps, then I'm thinking about driving to see Dusty. [Checks Dashboard...] It's 50 degrees outside, which isn't too bad. And later in the day it'll probably get warmer. So maybe that is what I will do. Because I wuv my widdle horsie.

But first things first. Waking up and eating. Two very important things. 


EDIT: I'm reading Everything is Illuminated, and I couldn't help but laugh at this line:

"I'm looking for my voice." "It's in your mouth."

Okay that's it. =]

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So, my checklist isn't going so well...

1. read at least five books. [nothing is getting done in this department]
2. blog more for Jen. [well this is my second post in like 2 days. does that count as improvement?]
3. drive more:
a. to see Nick [i did that!].
b. to see other friends [not so much].
c. visiting Bryn Mawr [nope...].
d. to see my horsie [sort of...i drove with my mom].
4. haircut! [done and doneeee].
5. knit the matching headband to my gloves. [i'm halfway there?]

So I don't know where I left off when I blogged last...let me check. =]


Ah, okay. I blogged on Sunday. It is now Wednesday. RECAP TIME.
Monday: Let's see. I had a doctor's appointment where I got a freaking chicken pox shot...that still hurts and has a little fever I may add. Then I drove my mom to work in Cherry Hill. And I sat around her office like I always do which was fun. Then when Nick got back from school, he drove over to visit. =] Then after work I went with him back to his house and we [meaning my mom and I] went to watch him at bowling. And he was just awesome. Whether he thinks so or not. And it was fun. Then I drove my momma and I home. And that was that. As far as I can remember.

Tuesday: Woke up at 10. My dad was still home because he decided to do work at home. Then I followed him to Nick's house [because he and my mom were still kind worried about me driving by myself...le sigh]. So anyway, I stayed at his house all day and helped him study for his midterm. Oh and we watched an America's Next Top Model marathon. Teehee. Then my mom came by and I followed her to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory where we all ate wayyyyyy too much, but it was oh so worth it. And then we drove home. And then we went to visit my grandmother. And then that's it I believe. 

Wednesday: That's today!! Let's see, woke up early for my hair appointment at 9. Drove there. Drove back. And did basically absolutely nothing after that. Watched trashy TV on VH1. An episode of Las Vegas on TNT. Though I did actually try looking for internships, but I couldn't find ANYTHING. And thats basically it. I screwed around all day basically doing nothing. Le siiiigh. 

Ah well. Maybe tomorrow will be a more productive day. Alright sorry Jen, I don't really know what else to say. Maybe I'll be more creative tomorrow. Love ya! <3


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Break. =]

Mmm, spring break. 
So there's a lot I want to get accomplished this break and I really hope I can do it all. So, since I love writing lists, here's one for my goals for Spring Break '08:

1. read at least 5 books [ ].
2. blog more for Jen [ ].
3. drive more :
a. to see Nick like 500 times [ ].
b. to see Holly/other friends home for break [ ].
c. maybe visiting Bryn Mawr? [ ].
d. to see my horsie [ ].
4. haircut! [ ]
5. knit the matching headband to my gloves [ ].

Okay, I can't think of anything else right now. If I do, I'll update. And I'll update as I complete things. So far, break hasn't been too exciting. I'm a little upset because Nick is being a weirdo again about not wanting to drive to see me because he's "tired of always having to drive" and "it's too much" and "it's too hard." UGH. So I haven't seen him at all yet. And the annoying thing is that it's not my fault that I can't drive to see him yet. My parents won't let me, because, for an obvious parental reason, they want me to be safe. And I haven't driven to Cherry Hill alone yet. And my parents want me to drive there with them first before driving it myself. Which is understandable. Because, yes, I am a little nervous about driving there by myself, and it would be good to know that I knew how to get there and be able to be safe while doing it. And he doesn't seem to understand that I'm trying and I have been trying to drive to see him for a while. I'd do it. But he just doesn't seem to believe me. And he's mad that I didn't get my license sooner, but again that also wasn't my mom canceled my first driving test. Oy vey.  ANYWAY. Needless to say I'm sad I haven't seen my boyfriend yet over this break because he's being stubborn. [I also feel bad because he's had a really bad weekend and he wanted me to be there to see him. Of course when I told him I couldn't he'd get madder and wouldn't talk to me for a while. Le grande sigh.]

But anyway. Saturday: woke up, went grocery shopping and to lunch with my dad. IT WAS POURING. Like I'm talking monsoon [another reason why my dad didn't want me driving to Cherry Hill. Again, understandable because it was dangerous]. Anyway, so then for the rest of the day I sat around and watched Mission Impossible II, Air Force One, half of Troy, and then some random History Channel show about Alexander the Great until I fell asleep. Which was really early because I was sick of "talking" to Nick online because he wasn't saying anything. So then I woke up an hour later than I wanted to the next morning because of Daylight Savings Time. Stupid time changes. But then I drove a lot. Drove to see my grandmother [she had her surgery and is trying to recover. She's alright. Miserable as always. Hah.]. Drove to where I'm going to get my haircut to make my mom feel better. Then drove to see my horse Dusty. And it was lovely. Cold. But nice. I missed him. Then drove home. Ate dinner. And now I'm here writing this.

So in the end after this looooong entry, spring break hasn't been too interesting. Pretty boring. Nothing really happening. Hopefully stuff will. 

Since Jen's the only one reading this. I miss you Jen!!! =] I'm going to blog more I promise. It's in my list. It'll get done. <3
