Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So Jen and I have decided that for Lent this year we're giving up spending extra money. Now for me this essentially means I'm not to buy anything at all and MUST go to the dining halls to eat or else I can't get any food. We also decided to blog about our Lent-ing woes--pining about things we want and things we can't have because we are not allowed to spend anything. 

This week...well it sucks. I'm sick [in a weird way, it's not really a cold, but I have a sore throat...and I'm really really tired and woozy, but I don't have any other cold symptoms really. whatever]. And I got back two grades on tests that I did not do so superbly on. These things make Alyssa unhappy. And normally, on days like today--beautiful weather, stressful situations--I would love to walk to Starbucks with Stephanie to get a nice cold Caramel Macchiato or something. But I passed. Number 1 because I'm sick as a dog and walking more than to and from class makes me really out of breath. And number 2 because I CAN'T SPEND MONEY [I no longer have money on my Starbucks card...tear]. So in a way I feel good because, yes, I'm not spending $4 on a drink, making me $4 richer than I normally would be today, but on the other hand I'm sad because it would be such a nice thing to have.

Anyway. That's my story. Jen's way more intense about it and is like keeping a record of all the money she's saving hoping to buy kick ass Chucks:
But me, I'm just trying to get by and not spend all the money in my bank account, also considering I have no source of income. Yay.

In other news, I really want to be able to read. I have like 5 books I'm really frantic to want to read but I HAVE NO TIME. And I really want spring break because I really can't handle being at school anymore. I'm just getting way too stressed out and frustrated at things and I really feel like I can't handle it anymore. So I just want to go home. For real. I feel weird, I never do "what's going on in my life" posts much anymore. Well maybe I do...I don't know. I guess it makes me feel better. And I'm not in the right mind-set to do any homework right now, I'm too woozy, so I guess writing a blog entry is better. 

In other other news...I'm obsessed with Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. And I only have 5 of their songs. SO FREAKING GOOD. Okay. I'm done for now I think I'll sleep.



EDIT: Just kidding, apparently I have done "what's going on in my life" posts recently. Oops!

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