Monday, March 16, 2009

Inspiration. Or Lack Thereof.

I actually have incentive to blog now. Though I still wish I could go back to the artsy fartsy posts I used to do, but sadly I really haven't been feeling creative. all. The last creative thing I wrote was my self-diagnosis for my medieval healing class, but that still had to be all academic-y and use quotes and footnotes and ish. I wish I had the inspiration to write something that actually was meaningful and had weight to it. Not just something pulled together from facts for school. Ah well, I guess I really didn't inherit the creative gene from my dad. Sometimes I feel I do, but presently...not so much. And to think I wanted to take short fiction...EEKS.

The only way I can get out creativity is by creating CD mixes. Which I haven't actually done in a really long time. I tried making one for Nick for our anniversary/Valentine's day...but it never worked out. I got so stuck I couldn't think of anything else to add. But now I decided I not only want to really finish that, but also make mixes for Rachel for her birthday. I made them last year and I know she really appreciates them so I'm hoping I'll be able to do a good job. Here's what I have so far for one of them. I'd like to be able to get them done by Wednesday so they get to JMU for the weekend or something. Hopefully my workload won't hold me back. [P.S. The songs aren't in the final order yet either.]

Rachel's 20!
1. White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
2. Brand New Day - Joshua Radin
3. Think I Wanna Die - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
4. Half My Heart Beats - The Smittens
5. I Owe You A Love Song - Shiny Toy Guns
6. Miss California - Jack's Mannequin
7. Viva La Vida - Coldplay [I may change this]
8. Crack The Shutters - Snow Patrol
9. 5 Years Time - Noah And the Whale
10. The Heartbreak Rides - A.C. Newman
11. Falling Without Knowing - Tilly & The Wall
12. Maps - Rogue Wave
13. Don't Let Me Fall - Lenka
14. Glittering Clouds [Locusts] - Imogen Heap
15. In a Sweater Poorly Knit - Mewithoutyou
16. Temptation - New Order
17. When the Water Gets Cold [And Freezes on the Lake] - Herman Dune
18. Under My Skin - Jukebox the Ghost
19. You Found Me - The Fray [maybe?]

Help! Any other suggestions? This isn't really supposed to be a themed mix...which I usually like to do, but maybe I'll make a second one that's themed, we'll see.

My posts always morph into lists. I don't know why...
[ ] survive fencing tomorrow hopefully without having an asthma attack of epic coughing proportions.
[ ] also survive fencing on Thursday.
[ ] pass my microbio quiz tomorrow.
[ ] register for Rowan Organic Chemistry summer course. hopefully.
[ ] keep my room clean.
[ ] get all of my reading done for my medieval class so I can start thinking about the paper.
[ ] make CDs for Rachel.
[ ] study like mad for second microbio exam.
[ ] take microbio exam and ACE it. hopefully.
[ ] stay on top of all my work.
[ ] try to go to bed by midnight every night. eeps!
[ ] DON'T STRESS OUT. hopefully.

I think I've overused the word hopefully. I'm going to have to stop.
That's all for now I suppose. I'm tired and have a quiz tomorrow. JOY.


He's really sick. I don't know if I'm just overreacting...which is highly possible. But I've said "I love you" in text messages to him a bunch of times and not once has he said it back...I am overreacting right? Yes. I'm being ridiculous. I hope. I want him to get better. I'm really worried. Especially because we really haven't talked at all today...UGH.

1 comment:

  1. aww ;] i like this new blogginess of ours ;]] so i definitely think you have a creative gene. let's make it a goal of ours not to stress :P --we *have* to not stress. do you have papers to do this weeken? cos i have a bunch --study party? (a real one?)
    [[--don't worry--he's just not feeling well.]]
    and if you're in the mood to create a mix and need someone to give it to, i could really use a mix that says "jen, you can kick ass today & tomorrow...etc"
    <3 you!
