Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Biochemistry Makes My Brain Cry.

And now I have to take the exam...wish me luck!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Re: Stacks

Bon Iver is brilliant.

This my excavation and today is kumran
Everything that happens from now on
This is pouring rain
This is paralyzed

I keep throwing it down two-hunded at a time
It's hard to find it when you knew it
When your money's gone
And you're drunk as hell

On your back with your racks as the stacks are your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

Well I've been twisting to the sun and the moon
I needed to replace
The fountain in the front yard is rusted out
All my love was down
In a frozen ground

There's a black crow sitting across from me
His wiry legs are crossed
He is dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
Whatever could it be
That has brought me to this loss?

On your back with your racks as the stacks are your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load

This is not the sound of a new man or crispy realization
It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be
Safe with me

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dreams &Things

It's really quite ridiculous the dreams I've been having lately. They're so vivid, and lifelike, but at the same time absolutely INSANE. I don't know what's going on in my head, but in these dreams so many people die and it's starting to get depressing. I wish I could describe the one I had last night because it was ridiculous, but I do remember the ending.

Someone was coming either to kill us or take us away or burn our house down with us inside...or something. And I'm freaking out and my mom is upstairs huddled on this couch we have in the hallway. I curl up with her because we're so afraid. All of a sudden the doorbell rings and it's my dad, accompanied by "The Beatles." Now it's not really the Beatles...because for one Morgan Freeman was George. Anyway, they check our house for bugs and everything, but everything seems fine.

This is all I remember really distinctly, but a whole bunch of shit happened that I can't even explain that I can see going on in my head. The dream I had two nights ago was just downright scary...there were people cutting themselves and getting lost in some ice cave place....just weird shit. Like I said, I have no idea what's going on in my head but it's getting really weird.

Anyway, it's hump day in the middle of my third week back at college. I should be doing laundry right now, but apparently 9:00 on a Wednesday morning is prime time to do laundry so I haven't gotten a chance yet. Academically, school's been pretty okay. I kind of feel like a slacker because at the moment I'm only taking three classes--Biochemistry, Genetics, and a Crusades class--but, seriously? It's Biochem and Genetics. Two of the hardest classes in the Bio department. Nonetheless, I still feel like a little bit of a slacker. I think it's because the work really hasn't started to pick up yet and I've been able to get it done quickly. I do have my first Genetics exam coming up and a paper in the Crusades class due next week, so there's that. Socially, school's been wonderful. I've been getting off campus to do work with my lovely friends...coughspendingtoomuchmoneycough...and driving my cute little car places. Nick visited last week and we had a GREAT fun night playing scrabble with some really awesome chicas ;]. I hope that happens more often because it really was a lot of fun. I'm going back to visit him this Friday and hopefully seeing my baby horsie on Saturday.

So life's pretty good. Fencing's a pain in the ass, but that's a whole other story. Now I need to print out some readings for next week [to have something to do on my Stephanie&Alyssa Wednesday] and hopefully do laundry! Grr...


EDIT: iTunes just made me this GENIUS GENIUS playlist. It's amazing. It kind of puts me to shame....

1. Re: Stacks - Bon Iver
2. White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
3. Fake Empire - The National
4. Boy With A Coin - Iron & Wine
5. Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens
6. Postcards from Italy - Beirut
7. Imitosis - Andrew Bird
8. Keep the Car Running - The Arcade Fire
9. In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
10. The Park - Feist
11. Naked As We Came - Iron & wine
12. The Crane Wife 3 - The Decemberists
13. Flume - Bon Iver
14. The Dress Looks Nice on You - Sufjan Stevens
15. Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend
16. No Cars Go - Arcade Fire
17. Mistaken For Strangers - The National
18. Oh No - Andrew Bird
19. Pagan Angel and A Borrowed Car - Iron & Wine
20. Scenic World - Beirut
21. Sleeping Lessons - The Shins
22. Anthems For A Seventeen-Year-Old Girl - Broken Social Scene
23. The Well And The Lighthouse - The Arcade Fire
24. Blindsided - Bon Iver
25. Plasticities - Andrew Bird


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Daily Grind.

Sooo about all those books I was going to read this summer. Errr...well it didn't really happen. I'm pretty damn disappointed in myself. BUT it stands to reason that I wouldn't have read as much because I was taking ORGANIC CHEMISTRY for heaven's sake! Anyway, here is the continuing list!

1. Dragonhaven--Robin McKinley : 342 pages.
2. The Graveyard Book--Neil Gaiman : 307 pages.
3. City of Bones--Cassandra Clare : 496 pages.
4. Psych: The Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Read--William Rabkin : 288 pages.
5. The Time Traveler's Wife--Audrey Niffenegger : 537 pages.
6. Invisible Monsters--Chuck Palahniuk : 297 pages.
7. Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story--Christopher Moore : 304 pages.
8. A Dirty Job--Christopher Moore : 416 pages.
9. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies--Jane Austen and Seth Graham-Smithe : 320 pages.
10. The Tales of Beedle the Bard--J.K. Rowling : 125 pages.
11. Watchmen--Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, John Higgins, Len Wein : 408 pages.
12. City of Ashes--Cassandra Clare : 472 pages.
13. Lavinia--Ursula K. Le Guin : 279 pages.
14. Perfect Fifths--Megan McCafferty : 255 pages.
15. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters Volume One--Gordon Dahlquist : 464 pages.
16. Dead Until Dark--Charlaine Harris : 292 pages.
17. The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes--Neil Gaiman : 234 pages.
18. The Sandman: The Doll's House--Neil Gaiman : 227 pages.
19. Living Dead in Dallas--Charlaine Harris : 291 pages.

Total = 6,354 pages.

And now I'm back at Bryn Mawr...which means not much pleasure reading at all. BUT I have a kickass schedule so maybe if I get lots of work done I will actually have time for some reading on my own. =] A girl can dream right? As far as the schedule goes...it's pretty simple actually. Only three classes until sometime in October, then I'll pick up a fourth half-credit bio class at the H-fordd. Pretty sweet, right? Well those classes happen to be Genetics, Biochemistry, a Crusades history class, and the fourth at Haverford is Immunology. I'm pretty sure I'm still going to have one hell of a semester.

It's already started off with a bang due to unfortunate circumstances surrounding my stupid dorm room. Don't get me wrong...I really am beginning to be really comfortable and love it. Sure, it's not in the prettiest or my favorite building on our beautiful campus, but it's been home for the past three days and it's growing on me. BUT, there are those who would oppose me. Namely, my mother. We've had two fights about it now that have ended with me in tears. Today I called my dad for about an hour afterwards crying about it. I'm at the point where I'm just so frustrated about her opinions and judgments that I just can't take it anymore. I love her and I do respect her opinion, but if it obviously hurts my feelings and is making me cry...in front of my FRIENDS...I don't want that. I don't want to be mad and upset and crying all the time because my mom doesn't like my dorm room. Sure, she played the "But I AM paying for it you know" card, but if I'm happy...she should be happy for me and happy that I'm happy. If I can deal with it...she can. It hurts to know she'll never come spend time with me in my dorm room though [because she "hates" it so much]...whenever she visits or drops me off sometime it'll just be like a drop-off and run. Or we'll sit in the car for an hour...that's no way to be. UGH. I need to stop thinking about it and letting it affect me so much or I really won't be able to concentrate on my work. I just can't help being a people-pleaser in the respect that I want my mom to be happy with my decisions and what I'm doing with my life. And I don't want to be afraid of her picking me up to take me home tomorrow...which I now am. DOUBLE UGH. I haven't written this long a blog entry in a while. Usually it's when I have to rant about a subject...which I have obviously here, but I've also told this to three other people already. I guess it bothers me so much there's no way to let it go. TRIPLE UGH.

Anyway...classes are great so far. I'm really looking forward to and pretty much scared shitless for them. But I'm determined to kick-ass and get some better grades this semester. I was pretty disappointed with myself last semester, and even though I have really tough classes this time around I really want to not get bogged down and depressed all the time and breakdown for every little thing. Not that I didn't before...but I'm really going to try my hardest. I need to. GRAD SCHOOL. ACK.

In a more happy light...I love him. He always finds ways to make me smile and make me feel better. I don't know what I'd do without my boo. <3

It's shower and then reading biochemistry in bedtime!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Books of Summer.

I've been doing really well so far with my reading. The last 6 are

4. Psych: The Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Read--William Rabkin : 288 pages.
5. The Time Traveler's Wife--Audrey Niffenegger : 537 pages.
6. Invisible Monsters--Chuck Palahniuk : 297 pages.
7. Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story--Christopher Moore : 304 pages.
8. A Dirty Job--Christopher Moore : 416 pages.
9. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies--Jane Austen and Seth Graham-Smithe : 320 pages.
10. The Tales of Beedle the Bard--J.K. Rowling : 125 pages.
11. Watchmen--Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, John Higgins, Len Wein : 408 pages.

Total = 3,840 pages.

I'd blog more, but I really don't know what to say. I mean a lot's happened and is happening. But I don't have the thinking capacity right now. Ah well...


Friday, May 8, 2009


Are finals over yet?!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh, the Problems I Have...

I'm pretty sure it's about time I blogged again. I've been so busy it just hasn't been able to happen, which is sad. But my day from hell is over and even though it produced more thoughts of hell I don't actually have to think about them for a while. Though I'll probably vent about them on here.

So, things to look forward to:
1. Only 3 days of classes left in the semester!
2. Seeing my boo on Friday.
3. Phillies game on Saturday [thank you SO much Stephanie].
5. Phillies game next Saturday with the boo. <3

And things still left to accomplish:
1. Summary Paper for Mad Cow Disease presentation [which is almost done!].
2. Meeting with Prof Truitt about final revision paper on Friday.
4. Self-scheduled final Chemistry exam.
5. Take-home Anthropology exam [due May 11].
6. Final 8-9 page revision/extension/crazy-ass reworking paper [due May 7].
7. I'd also like to send some letters to friends, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen.

So the day from hell:
Well, I had to take my microbiology exam last night. I took it from 1 to 4 in the morning. Which, retrospectively, probably wasn't the best idea, but I needed to get it done and I didn't really feel like I could prepare any more for it so I just took it. IT WAS AWFUL. And that's all I'll say about that. Then I needed to prepare for my mad cow presentation, which absolutely took FOREVER because I could not get it down to 8 minutes. I just had way too much information to fit into an 8 minute talk [I'm even having trouble now summarizing my poster into a 2 page paper! AH!]. So I was up really late trying to cut down the presentation. I ended up only getting 1 1/2 hours of sleep, maybe even less because I just kind of lay there for a while trying to think of how to cut down my presentation more. Then I woke up, took a shower, and ran through my presentation a couple of times, still trying to cut it down but could only get it to 9-10 minutes. Went to class. Didn't get to finish. I ran over time. It was so embarrassing. I was so nervous about this presentation, I was sweating up a storm. And I didn't even get to talk about my final topic at all. Not to mention the fact that my Prof scared me shitless and kind of made me feel really stupid...when I was hanging up my poster she said to me, "You haven't taken Orgo yet have you?" And I was like, "No, but I'm taking it this summer in a two month intensive course." And she goes, "Well, you realize you need Orgo for Biochem right? And Biochem is a lot of work. People think that they can breeze through the prerequisites to get to Biochem and then find they aren't ready." And that just left me shocked. I don't know. I like this professor a lot, but I can't stop thinking about how much that kind of hurt. I realize [with help from Joanna] that she is probably just looking out for me because Organic Chemistry is a hard course and the kind of course that will prepare you for the intense course that is Biochemistry, but I couldn't help but think that she thought I couldn't handle it. So that's part 1 of my problems.
Part 2 comes in when Joanna and I go back to her room before going to lunch. I signed up to potentially be a Bio lab TA next year, because number 1...I need a job, and number 2, I feel like it would look really good on a resume to actually have a job on campus that deals with my major. The problem rears its ugly head when Joanna finds that we got an email from the lab professor telling us to give our preferences for lab days. Of course there were a bunch of returning TAs so there was no guarantee we would get a spot, but we should put our time preferences down anyway. The lab times are Monday 1-4, Tuesday 10-1, and Tuesday 1:30-4:30, and Wednesday 1-4. I can't do ANY of those times with the schedule that I prepared for myself for next semester. Monday and Wednesday I have a History class that I am DYING to take from 2:30-4. I'm halfway towards a History minor and this is a 100-level course which I need, taught by my favorite professor. I feel like it would be a waste to not take the class. And on Tuesday I have Biochem [I mean we'll see if I even get in anymore] from 10-11:30 and the Biochem lab form 1-4. I had thought there would be a Thursday Intro Bio lab and that's when I could TA. I'm so depressed. I can't believe that I assumed that. UGH. Here comes part 3.
So, in thinking about the Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry dilemma, I realized that the higher level Biology classes I applied for at Haverford both require Organic Chemistry as a pre-requisite. Meaning I'll probably be lotteried out of the classes because I don't have the pre-requisite. So now I have to email the professors and basically beg to be let in. I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't get anything. It will basically have been pointless to have taken Organic Chemistry over the summer because if I don't get into any of those classes I might as well take Organic Chemistry at Bryn Mawr next year because I'll only have a history class in my schedule. UGH I HATE MY LIFE. Today was supposed to be a big relief and an amazing day because my presentations that I was uber scared for would be done and I only had this summary paper for Microbio due on Friday and then it would be an amazing weekend and then all I would have to do would be to survive finals week. But no. All of these things had to come into my head and make me even more depressed.
I just don't know what to do. I mean I know I really should email those professors for the Haverford classes, but other than that I guess I really can't do anything until the lottery results come out. It's just going to be even more nerve-wracking than usual. I can't believe how screwed I got in the way of classes at this school. And people wonder why I stress about choosing classes so much. It's because I have no effing luck at all.

Okay. I think that's enough venting. I need to finish this summary paper, which is now approaching 4 pages and is only supposed to be 2. Sigh. I guess I should try to look at the bright side: this weekend is going to be amazing. And I'm not going to think about work at all. Friday = Boo. Saturday = Phillies. Sunday = MAY DAY. And it's going to be a great one.

HAVE I MENTIONED THE WEATHER IS GORGEOUS?! It's made me really happy and has tried to improve my mood and did for a while until today. And sadly tomorrow it's going to be cold and rainy...very exemplary of my mood, but c'est la vie. What a long post. Also, I took that picture. =]


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So far this week I haven't gone to bed earlier than 4 in the morning.

Why can't I sleep?

Why is there so much work I have to do?



Monday, March 16, 2009

Inspiration. Or Lack Thereof.

I actually have incentive to blog now. Though I still wish I could go back to the artsy fartsy posts I used to do, but sadly I really haven't been feeling creative. Like...at all. The last creative thing I wrote was my self-diagnosis for my medieval healing class, but that still had to be all academic-y and use quotes and footnotes and ish. I wish I had the inspiration to write something that actually was meaningful and had weight to it. Not just something pulled together from facts for school. Ah well, I guess I really didn't inherit the creative gene from my dad. Sometimes I feel I do, but presently...not so much. And to think I wanted to take short fiction...EEKS.

The only way I can get out creativity is by creating CD mixes. Which I haven't actually done in a really long time. I tried making one for Nick for our anniversary/Valentine's day...but it never worked out. I got so stuck I couldn't think of anything else to add. But now I decided I not only want to really finish that, but also make mixes for Rachel for her birthday. I made them last year and I know she really appreciates them so I'm hoping I'll be able to do a good job. Here's what I have so far for one of them. I'd like to be able to get them done by Wednesday so they get to JMU for the weekend or something. Hopefully my workload won't hold me back. [P.S. The songs aren't in the final order yet either.]

Rachel's 20!
1. White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
2. Brand New Day - Joshua Radin
3. Think I Wanna Die - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
4. Half My Heart Beats - The Smittens
5. I Owe You A Love Song - Shiny Toy Guns
6. Miss California - Jack's Mannequin
7. Viva La Vida - Coldplay [I may change this]
8. Crack The Shutters - Snow Patrol
9. 5 Years Time - Noah And the Whale
10. The Heartbreak Rides - A.C. Newman
11. Falling Without Knowing - Tilly & The Wall
12. Maps - Rogue Wave
13. Don't Let Me Fall - Lenka
14. Glittering Clouds [Locusts] - Imogen Heap
15. In a Sweater Poorly Knit - Mewithoutyou
16. Temptation - New Order
17. When the Water Gets Cold [And Freezes on the Lake] - Herman Dune
18. Under My Skin - Jukebox the Ghost
19. You Found Me - The Fray [maybe?]

Help! Any other suggestions? This isn't really supposed to be a themed mix...which I usually like to do, but maybe I'll make a second one that's themed, we'll see.

My posts always morph into lists. I don't know why...
[ ] survive fencing tomorrow hopefully without having an asthma attack of epic coughing proportions.
[ ] also survive fencing on Thursday.
[ ] pass my microbio quiz tomorrow.
[ ] register for Rowan Organic Chemistry summer course. hopefully.
[ ] keep my room clean.
[ ] get all of my reading done for my medieval class so I can start thinking about the paper.
[ ] make CDs for Rachel.
[ ] study like mad for second microbio exam.
[ ] take microbio exam and ACE it. hopefully.
[ ] stay on top of all my work.
[ ] try to go to bed by midnight every night. eeps!
[ ] DON'T STRESS OUT. hopefully.

I think I've overused the word hopefully. I'm going to have to stop.
That's all for now I suppose. I'm tired and have a quiz tomorrow. JOY.


He's really sick. I don't know if I'm just overreacting...which is highly possible. But I've said "I love you" in text messages to him a bunch of times and not once has he said it back...I am overreacting right? Yes. I'm being ridiculous. I hope. I want him to get better. I'm really worried. Especially because we really haven't talked at all today...UGH.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Layout on Life.

So here's a new layout. Well, just new colors really. I didn't feel like trying to find a fancy pretty layout like Jen's.

I'm way sorry for not blogging, but in response to my last post I did actually do a lot of things that I wanted. Let's see..

1. I want to go home. [check!]
2. I want to read at least ten books. [oops...didn't even get through one. sad...]
3. I want to relax and sleep. [CHECK!]
4. I want to spend time with my boyfriend. [check check check!!]
5. I want to visit and kiss and love my horse. [sadly no. i didn't get to see him which makes me really sad].
6. I want to visit Jen and Gillian. [check! i visited Jen hurray!]
7. I want to drive around in Hermes. [CHECK!]
8. I want to cuddle by the fireplace. [well...no.]
9. I want to play my guitar. [fail.]
10. I want to FEEL BETTER. [can I give half a check? I feel better, but I'm definitely still sick. yuck.]
11. I want warm weather. [well this was out of my control, but there were a couple of nice warm days.]
12. I want to drive around with the windows down and the sunroof open. [CHECK! it made me so so happy.]
13. I want springtime and flowers and green leaves. [again, out of my control. so no.]

So all in all. It wasn't a bad break. I didn't get TONS of homework done. But as I always feel, break is a time to relax. And I definitely did that. Anyway let's try to recap what I did this break so maybe I'll feel a bit accomplished. I went to work with my grandfather Monday and Wednesday, which was good because I got to get paid! Which in my current situation is always a good thing. Tuesday I went to the dentist [ick] and then drove to Bryn Mawr to spend time with Jen and Anna, which was really nice. The drive wasn't bad at all, I'm looking forward to hopefully doing it more often and hopefully having Hermes there next year! I went to Chipotle for the first time and it was absolutely DELISH. I'll be heading there with Jen again sometime I think. =] Thursday I went to work with my momma and did some filing and shredding for her, no money but she bought me a pretty shirt and flip flops later. We went out to dinner with Nick's sister at Bertucci's which was yummy yummy. Then Nick came over later that night and spent the night. Friday was a lazy day with my boo. We played Rock Band all morning then went out to lunch. We came back and watched the creepiest movie ever with my mom [Sibyll...shiver]. My dad made us chili for dinner. Boo and I watched TV with my mom then he had to go home. Sad. Saturday was pretty lazy as well. I watched movies with my dad/ did homework. Then I drove up to Cherry Hill to go see Watchmen with Nick, and his friend and his friend's girlfriend. It was a really good movie. Way too long probably, and I'm definitely going to have to see it again to fully understand it. Went to UNO's for dinner at 11:30 haha. Then drove home. And now it's Sunday. And I'm trying to get homework accomplished. I'm almost done my chemistry homework. Then I really have to do some reading and PACK. uck. I don't really want to go back to Bryn Mawr because I'm just really worried about classes this semester. But I know I have to buckle down and get things done. I have to keep encouraging myself and hopefully try to do as well as possible.

As far as the no spending thing for Lent goes...I've only spent money on food. And the toll to go to Bryn Mawr. That's good right? Haha, but things are OH SO TEMPTING. But I shall persevere!

I guess I should go back tot hat homework. Le sigh.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I want it NOW.
I don't want to be sick.
I don't want to have a midterm tomorrow.
I don't want to write a lab report.
I don't want to write a paper.
I don't want to go to Chemistry class.
I don't want to go to Medieval class either.
I want to go home.
I want to read at least 10 books.
I want to relax and sleep.
I want to spend time with my boyfriend.
I want to visit and kiss and love and ride my horse.
I want to visit Jen and Gillian.
I want to drive around in Hermes.
I want to cuddle by the fireplace.
I want to play my guitar.
I want to FEEL BETTER.
I want warm weather.
I want to drive with the windows down and the sunroof open.
I want springtime and flowers and green leaves.

Okay...so the last couple most likely won't be possible to achieve over spring break. But one can hope right?



Monday, March 2, 2009


Almost everyone had classes canceled today except me.

And I'm still sick.

And unhappy.

And I don't like it.



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bliss-Out Time.

Unfortunately I can't listen to it now because I have to go to class.
I made this playlist to help me fall asleep at night, but it also works as a wonderful chill-out-stress-free-no-worries-about-sickness-mix. And I love it.
Listen preferably on shuffle [considering all the artist names are alphabetical which annoys be a bit. =P].

1. Unwinding Cable Car--Anberlin
2. Scythian Empires--Andrew Bird
3. Keep the Car Running--Arcade Fire
4. Coffee and Cigarettes--Augustana
5. You Remind Me Of Home--Ben Gibbard
6. Congratulations--Blue October, ft. Imogen Heap
7. Anthems For A Seventeen-Year-Old Girl--Broken Social Scene
8. Wonder [Live]--Colin Meloy
9. Where There's Gold...--Dashboard Confessional
10. Grapevine Fires--Death Cab for Cutie
11. Red Right Ankle--The Decemberists
12. Brightly Wound--Eisley
13. Your Song--Elton John
14. May It Be--Enya [Lord of the Rings Soundtrack <3]
15. Your Hand In Mine [Goodbye]--Explosions in the Sky
16. Gatekeeper--Feist
17. On Your Porch--The Format
18. Boats and Birds--Gregory and the Hawk
19. Two Days in February--Goo Goo Dolls [EOAC version]
20. Cherry Tulips--Headlights
21. When The Water Gets Cold [And Freezes On The Lake]--Herman Dune
22. Miles Behind Me--Hotel Lights
23. Love And Some Verses--Iron & Wine
24. Sweet Baby James--James Taylor
25. The Fear You Won't Fall--Joshua Radin
26. Singing Softly To Me--Kings of Convenience
27. Mornings Eleven--The Magic Numbers
28. Cold December--Matt Costa
29. In A Sweater Poorly Knit--Mewithoutyou
30. Le Grande Sucrerie--Miou Miou
31. Au Fond D'Un Reve Dore--Nada Surf [there are accents...I just don't know how to do them on my computer. eeks!]
32. Go Places--The New Pornographers
33. Have You Forgotten--Red House Painters
34. More Adventurous--Rilo Kiley
35. One More Day Goes By--Some By Sea
36. Heart--Stars
37. Chicago [Acoustic]--Sufjan Stevens
38. I Was Married--Tegan & Sara
39. Sleeping With The Lights On--Teitur Lassen
40. Let It Rain--Tilly & The Wall
41. Bittersweet Symphony--The Verve
42. Living in Twilight--The Weepies
43. Piazza, New York Catcher--Belle & Sebastian
44. Paperweight--Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk
45. Into the West--Annie Lennox [Lord of the Rings Sountrack <333]

So there it is. Maybe I'll post more playlists on here. I love making playlists and maybe by posting them I can get more ideas. Because I've definitely had a mind block lately. Ah well. Time for Medieval Medicine. Maybe Prof Truitt can diagnose me. =P


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sickness Woes.

I want:

Chai Tea.
A Good Book.
Snuggling up with said Tea and Book.
Reading til Forever with no other Cares.

I hate being sick.


So Jen and I have decided that for Lent this year we're giving up spending extra money. Now for me this essentially means I'm not to buy anything at all and MUST go to the dining halls to eat or else I can't get any food. We also decided to blog about our Lent-ing woes--pining about things we want and things we can't have because we are not allowed to spend anything. 

This week...well it sucks. I'm sick [in a weird way, it's not really a cold, but I have a sore throat...and I'm really really tired and woozy, but I don't have any other cold symptoms really. whatever]. And I got back two grades on tests that I did not do so superbly on. These things make Alyssa unhappy. And normally, on days like today--beautiful weather, stressful situations--I would love to walk to Starbucks with Stephanie to get a nice cold Caramel Macchiato or something. But I passed. Number 1 because I'm sick as a dog and walking more than to and from class makes me really out of breath. And number 2 because I CAN'T SPEND MONEY [I no longer have money on my Starbucks card...tear]. So in a way I feel good because, yes, I'm not spending $4 on a drink, making me $4 richer than I normally would be today, but on the other hand I'm sad because it would be such a nice thing to have.

Anyway. That's my story. Jen's way more intense about it and is like keeping a record of all the money she's saving hoping to buy kick ass Chucks:
But me, I'm just trying to get by and not spend all the money in my bank account, also considering I have no source of income. Yay.

In other news, I really want to be able to read. I have like 5 books I'm really frantic to want to read but I HAVE NO TIME. And I really want spring break because I really can't handle being at school anymore. I'm just getting way too stressed out and frustrated at things and I really feel like I can't handle it anymore. So I just want to go home. For real. I feel weird, I never do "what's going on in my life" posts much anymore. Well maybe I do...I don't know. I guess it makes me feel better. And I'm not in the right mind-set to do any homework right now, I'm too woozy, so I guess writing a blog entry is better. 

In other other news...I'm obsessed with Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. And I only have 5 of their songs. SO FREAKING GOOD. Okay. I'm done for now I think I'll sleep.



EDIT: Just kidding, apparently I have done "what's going on in my life" posts recently. Oops!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


If there is one cd you ever own in your life, it should be this one.

That is all.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Home again?

I'm back at Bryn Mawr.

While nothing can replace home, I feel almost as if I've never left Bryn Mawr. Sure, it's taking me a while to get back into the swing of classes and such, but I moved in and have been sleeping fairly well and everything's been pretty okay. I've been to and got into all of the classes I'm going to take this semester which is a huge relief and I think I'm going to be pretty happy with it. My schedule is also really nice.

Monday: Intro to Cultural Anthropology-- 10:00-11:30
General Chemistry-- 12:00-1:00
Tuesday: Microbiology -- 10:00-11:30
 Chemistry Lab-- 1:00-4:00
Wednesday: Intro to Cultural Anthropology-- 10:00-11:30
             General Chemistry-- 12:00-1:00
Thursday: Microbiology-- 10:00-11:30
      Medieval Medicine-- 1:00-4:00
Friday: General Chemistry-- 12:00-2:00

So all in all I love it. I go to Starbucks with Stafshar Mondays and Wednesdays to do work and chill. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have my fencing. And starting Fridays at noon? What could be better. =] I'm really excited for Microbio and the Medieval Medicine. I'm actually really intimidated by both, especially because I'm expected to participate a lot in both, but hopefully I'll be able to do it. I did really well last semester and I'm hoping to continue that.

In other news, my room is a mess already. I still haven't finished unpacking all of my little shits so I have a big box in the middle of my room overflowing with STUFF. And I [shamefully] bought more posters that I need to hang up, plus I need to rehang the posters that fell down over break. I am proud of myself though because I found out how to work my iHome. HURRAY!

In other other news I actually read three books over break that will begin my 2009 book list/yearly page count! Remember bolded means favorite, * means already read [thought that won't happen too often because I have so many new books to read!]

1. Dragonhaven--Robin McKinley : 342 pages.
2. The Graveyard Book--Neil Gaiman : 307 pages.
3. City of Bones--Cassandra Clare : 496 pages.

Total = 1,145 pages.
I'm also in the middle of about four books that I hope to finish soon before classes get totally CRAZY.

I guess that's all for now. I'm going to try to blog more often because I really do like doing it. It lets me think and let out  stuff that I don't really say that much. Time to read about microbial cell function and structure!


Monday, January 5, 2009


It's sad. It's pathetic. IT'S JUST PLAIN SAD. I couldn't read AT ALL during the school year which utterly depresses me. And I definitely did NOT reach my goal of 20,000 pages, which would have been awesome. Oh well. Here it is:

1. Extras--Scott Westerfeld : 417 pages.
2. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close--Jonathan Safran Foer : 326 pages.
3. Midnighters: The Secret Hour--Scott Westerfeld : 383 pages.
4. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist--Rachen Cohn &David Levithan : 183 pages.
5. Midnighters: Touching Darkness--Scott Westerfeld : 439 pages.
6. Midnighters: Blue Noon--Scott Westerfeld : 505 pages.
7. The Host--Stephanie Meyer : 619 pages.
8. Lamb or the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal--Christopher Moore : 444 pages.
9. Gods Behaving Badly--Marie Phillips : 292 pages.
10. My Most Excellent Year--Steve Kulger : 416 pages.
11. The Friday Night Knitting Club--Kate Jacobs : 360 pages.
12. Good Omens--Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman : 367 pages.
13. Atonement--Ian McEwan : 496 pages.
14. Wyrd Sisters--Terry Pratchett : 288 pages.
15. Water for Elephants--Sara Gruen : 350 pages.
16. Soul--Tobsha Learner : 432 pages.
17. The Bell Jar--Sylvia Plath : 235 pages.
18. Breaking Dawn--Stephanie Meyer : 768 pages.
19. Troy--Adele Geras : 358 pages.
20. Fight Cub--Chuck Palahniuk : 224 pages.
21. The Cobra Event--Richard Preston : 448 pages.
22. Sunshine--Robin McKinley : 405 pages.
23. House of Many Ways--Diana Wynne Jones : 404 pages.
24. A Game of Thrones--George R. R. Martin : 674 pages [694 with appendices]. 

= 9,833 pages total.

I don't want break to end. =[